Property isn't the cause of New Zealands' problems...its everything else!I'm delaying the series I will do on proposed taxes on Property, so Kiwis invest in "more productive" things.
I've decided that there is something more important to discuss first.
isn't the problem here in New Zealand, its the poor state of the profitability other "asset classes".
Security for investors is still pathetic in the share market. It is a global sharemarket joke.
Put it in the bank or finance house? Another joke. If you dont lose i, by the time they tax 6% returns, you are going backwards.
Stories I heard over the the last 5 years here in Wellington were that the Labour government were advised bluntly and repeatedly that finance companies were a disaster unfolding. They did nothing.
I deal with the sad , tragic stories of those that lost their savings from that inaction by Labour on pathetic banking regulation. Many that lost their savings to finance company were lesser educated, older people...I suggest Labours own
It was probably hard for Labour ministers to hear the advice that a disaster was unfolding when thy were in the back of $250 000
I think its a
disgrace those "socialist" ministers chose not to veto those gross, ugly, obcemly expensive BMW pigs. They should have bought something to set a good role model to their "subjects " like a
hybrid Lexus at half the price. Its hardly better than politicians driving round in V 8 Fords while negotiating the Kyoto accord. Just like Lord of
the Flies to me.
I digress. We live by exporting...but nobody is getting rich doing it. So who would?
Look at "our" billionaires or very rich: are they exporters? Fay & Richwhite, Gibbs, Giltrap, Jones , Hart, Watson, Morgan,
Tindall... sorry, no. Not a one. A country reliant on primary production and not a really rich exporter. That says it all.
No, a high flying exporter in New Zealand is... is .... is someone about to fall a long way. Or be bought by their main client. I cant
recommend being an exporter
Even the fairly well off economic commentator Gareth Morgan agreed recently in the Listener, more or less that "exporting is for idiots".
So what is the failure in New
Zealands performance? Thanks Peter, a
respondent to these blogs, for a blunt summary of why we are in trouble & exporters have to be fools to do it :
The exchange rate disaster.NZ has the 77
th biggest currency in the world...but is the 13
th most "traded." Making money betting against the " Kiwi" has been described as "like shooting rats in a barrel."
Our currency is the worlds traders' plaything. Because of our simplistic rules on monetary policy. We are often told how "admired" the Reserve Bank rules are. However no successful currency seems stupid enough to copy them as we do it.
So, whether you agree with me or not. If you took money out of the New Zealand property market... firstly: WHO DO YOU IMAGINE WILL BUY THAT PROPERTY OFF YOU?
That is, if a good number of Kiwis decide, that they take their money out of property & put it somewhere more "useful"...who do they sell to?
For the 35% of
New Zealanders who have a landlord....who becomes their landlord if its "not a place we want Kiwis to have their money tied up"?
NZ shares?
NZ Banks or finance companies?
NZ debentures?
Direct investment in small to medium NZ business?
Global shares?
Global Debentures?
Foreign property?
Foreign Banks?
Well I
don't think a lot of that investment would stay in NZ. If the Government wont even leave 20% of the
Kiwisaver money here, why should you?
Sorry for talking about the
Emperors clothes, but this is my opinion.
Comments please!